Fulham Palace Road


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Going down memory lane,
waiting at the traffic lights,
past familiar shops.

The nostalgia;
memories flooding across the brain.

The good old days,
the comfort,
the rainy days,
the first times,
tears and laughter mixed;
a chapter of my life long closed.

The experiences carved in my heart, body and soul.
Where I evolved from a naive sheltered little girl
to an independent grown-up.

I name that period – The Adulting Phase.

Once upon a time along Fulham Palace Road.

Living In Alternate Realities


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Ruminating on the “what-ifs”,
wondering about the “should-I-haves”,
obsessing over alternate realities of a time period long past.

Worrying about “what-should-Is”,
predicting about the “what-could-bes”,
running repeated simulations in the head,
fearful of making decisions.

surrounded by more fear than hope,
mentally trapped in both worlds.

The Sketch of Life


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It’s Quadrille Monday #190! The prompt is to write a poem of any style that is exactly 44 words, not including the title.

The quadrille must contain one given word or a form of the word. The word that has been chosen is “sketch” and I’ve chosen the root form “sketch”.

Arriving in this world,
each owning a white piece of canvas,
ready for the colors of the world.

Curious to explore,
stumbling upon hidden surprises;
each discovery formulated into an intertwined sketch,
layered randomly over one another,
till the canvas is blank no more.

When anxiety strikes


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Fight or flight – when anxiety strikes?
When reality does not meet expectations,
the apparent increasing deviation from desired goals;
the lack of control invites helplessness to the party.
The party of misery where it never seems to stop.
Let the intuitive responses take over.

Fight or flight – when anxiety strikes?
Sometimes it’s a fighting battle.
Other times when it’s a losing battle, we surrender to flight.
To escape from the looming darkness that threatens to overwhelm.

Fight or flight – when anxiety strikes?
When we embrace reality and readjust our expectations and goals,
we are not longer trapped.
The alignment of inner and outer reality unveils new solutions,
reigniting our fighting spirits.

When anxiety strikes…

When Darkness Descends


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When darkness descends, the world finally pauses for some hours.

Offering temporary respite.

Walking under the chilly moonlight, wondering if I should have done things differently.

Decisions, decisions, decisions.

The inner turmoil is still in full work mode.

Will tomorrow be a better day?

For Quadrille Monday, a 44-word poem, including the word “moon”.

Simply sharing some inner thoughts as I’m currently experiencing a transitory period of having to make a number of decisions that I never had to face before.

Anyone ever felt the same especially at night?



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This is my first ever attempt at Prosery. I’ve never attempted fiction writing with an inclusion of a complete line – and to keep it within 144 words.

An interesting challenge from DVersePoets – November For Beginners – enjoy!


I woke up to a grey drizzling morning. An ominous sign, I thought.

Today, the new manager from the fifth floor would be joining us.

As it is, her reputation preceded her.

A distant unhappy memory of a previous interaction ran though my head, yet again.

The dread of heading for work continued to build up as I got myself ready and went through the motions of putting food into my mouth.

I could hardly taste anything.

I reminded myself to take another deep breath.


I wish I could hand in my letter but I needed this job.

I tell myself, I can handle this.

My hands involuntarily came together in a clasp.

As the train station came into view, I couldn’t hold it in any longer.

“Please, can you bring back last week’s storm?”

“Or maybe snow would be the easy out?”

Plans always fall apart


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It’s been a looong time since I posted.

The Lonely Recluse’s latest entry gave me a spurt of motivation.

This poem is inspired by Lillian’s to write a quadrille (a 44 word poem) on the theme of “fall” and relates to my recent reflection about how 2023 has panned out so far. Check out the other wonderful contributions at D’Verse.


Plans always fall apart.

No matter how well they’ve been thought through.

Well thought out plans do not suffice.

They always fall apart.

The best laid plan lies not in the details.

It’s one that always plan ahead;

for plans to always fall apart.

Unusually 2018


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The ups and downs,

whether it’s a fact or just a perception.

How do you pluck up the courage to go forward,

when you can’t see clearly where you are going?

How do you overcome the weakness of human nature,

to resolve similar problems that seem to persist?

Whether you can or you can’t, you are right.

When it’s up or down, it’s relative.

Is the right answer deep within us,

or is it just an illusion that we have the answer in us?

To be or not to be,

life is afterall a serious of choices threaded together,

without an instructional manual.

The choices we make – can be seemingly a mix of right and wrong;

Or simply all Right.

When days seem too long..


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You know you need a dose of motivation,
a bottle of inspiration,

an injection of zest,

a breath of enthusiasm;

when days seem much longer than nights,

when you wish daylight keeps away,

when you block out parts of your brain activities,

when you keep scrolling on your phone,

when exhaustion becomes your secret best friend,

when you are conscious of every body sensation.

You wonder,

why do the days seem never ending while the nights just flashes by?